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Перевод Примеры
КрасИвое оперение делает птиц красИвыми // КрасИвая одежда прИдаёт внушИтельный вид; в современном языке пословица часто употребляется иронически со следующим подтекстом : За красИвой внешностью скрывается плохой характер, глупость и т. д.

"Difficult to tell what these girls really look like under their make-up ! ln my opinion she hasn't got anything like the looks Mary Gerrard has !" Nurse O'Brien pursed her lips and put her head on one side. "Уou may bе right now. But Mary hasn't got the style !" Nurse Hopkins said sententiously: "Fine feathers make fше birds." ( Christie)

And on the night of the great occasion, just before they started for Mrs. Maitland's, he called bls niece into his library, and knocking off his glasses, looked her over with grudging eyes: "Don't get your head turned, Elizabeth. Remember, it isn't fше featЬers tЬat make fше birds," he said. (Deland)

Not all hеr fine feathers could make а reaUy fine bird of Ьеr, however; she was not in the least pretty and her expression was cross and contemptuous. (Montgomery)